Sunday, May 24, 2015

Awesome Cheap Find: Bobbie Matte Top Coat

Hi beautiful! Are you looking for matte nail polish? You don't have to! I've found this awesome product that will make any of your nail polish matte! Read more to find out what it is! :)

Bobbie Basic MATTE Top Coat

Price: PHP 36.00

Where to buy: Watson's & Department Stores

How to use:

Just like regular top coat, put this on top of your nail polish and it will mattify it in 30 seconds.

Ingredients. It is Big 3 Free! Click here to know more about it.

First thing I noticed when I used it for the first time is the scent. The scent strongly reminds me of those plastic balloons I used to play when I was a kid. But I actually like that scent. Yes I am that weird. Hehe. You can see the product through the bottle. It is a cloudy white liquid that has runny consistency.

Check how awesome it is down below!

left hand - with matte top coat
right hand - without matte top coat
This top coat dries in 30 seconds! Perfect for those mainipin like me! But! Although it has dried up instantly, be still careful, you can still damage it. I recommend letting it dry for full 2 minutes.

close-up. Nevermind the bare thumb nail. :D

Sorry for my nails! I just got over with my nail-biting habit. Hahaha! As you can see, it kinda shines when it catches the light. But in a shady lighting, it is completely matte. I wish there's a product like this for the lips. Isn't it amazing to make any lipstick matte? I love matte lips. Who doesn't? :P

I also noticed that the mattifying effect fades after 3-4 days, making my nail polish shiny again.

Let's sum it up!

What I like about it:

  • CHEAP!
  • Effective! It does really mattify my nail polish.
  • Available everywhere.
  • Dries fast.
  • The brush. It applies the product evenly without streaks.
  • Big 3 Free! Click here to know more about it.
  • Toxin-free.
What I don't like about it:
  • Scent may bother you but for me, it is okay.
  • You have to reapply after 3-4 days.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you found this review helpful! Have a great day ahead! God bless! :)

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Pam :)

1 comment:

  1. Great post, and great website. Thanks for the information!
